Equo 3

From $6.995,00

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the bike

The Equo Cargo 3 is the first model in our EQUO series: a sturdy, stable longtail (cargo) model with a high loading capacity (180 kg).

Its Shimano E6100 Cargo central motor is specially set up to launch easily whatever the weight on board. Equo transforms according to your needs with its different accessories. Versatile and stable, it comes with an Altus 9 speed derailleur for easy, fast and smooth gear changes after a stop or traffic light. Practical for peaceful riding with your kids on the back!





Finally a pack designed with large families in mind:

Pack Family :

Want even more accessories for your Equo?

This family pack ticks all the right boxes: it’s affordable, convenient and fully equipped for you and the whole family.



We’re experts in:

To sum it up: All of our batteries come with a 4-year warranty

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Dimension EQUO - Mobile EN


The range is the average number of kilometres you can cover between charges.

The range of an electric bike depends on a number of factors, including battery capacity, the weight of the bike and rider, the level of assistance used and riding conditions.

S / M / L ?

O2FEEL can help you choose your bike size.





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iPowerPack Advanced

iPowerPack Advanced, une batterie développée et adaptée pour nos vélos Equo cargo qui demandent : puissance et résistance aux charges lourdes. Profitez d’une longue autonomie pouvant vous emmener jusqu’à 240 km en fonction du mode de conduite choisi et la batterie. Choisissez entre deux capacités en fonction de vos besoins du quotidien : 432 Wh ou 720 Wh.


Shimano E6100 Cargo

Moteur Shimano E6100 Cargo. Une fine mécanique qui facilite vos transports. Obtenez une réactivité immédiate et un couple puissant pour supporter le poids des courses, des enfants ou de vos animaux… Ce moteur configuré spécialement pour les vélos cargo est puissant, robuste et s’adapte en fonction de vos besoins et du poids.


Disques hydrauliques 4 pistons

Les freins Jagwire Attack-XU à 4 pistons sont puissants et adaptés au vélo cargo qui demande un freinage réactif et efficace immédiatement. Roulez et freiner en toute confiance même lourdement chargée.


MIK HD compatible siège bébé, poids max : 80 kg

Equo est équipé d’un porte-bagages XXL et du système MIK HD que vous pouvez moduler en fonction de vos besoins. Équipez ce vélo avec une grande plateforme arrière, nos « Family Bars » ou encore deux sièges bébé. Rien n’arrête ce vélo et vos envies !


iPowerPack Advanced

iPowerPack Advanced, a batter developed and adapted for our Equo cargo bikes that require: Power and resistance with heavy loads Enjoy a long battery life that can power you for up to 240 km, depending on the selected ride mode and the battery. Choose between two capacities in line with your day-to-day needs: 432 Wh or 720 Wh.


Shimano E6100 Cargo

New Shimano E6100 Cargo motor. Precision engineering that makes transporting easier. Achieve immediate reactivity and powerful torque to support the weight of your shopping, kids or animals, etc. This powerful and strong motor is specially set up for cargo bikes and adapts according to your needs and the weight.


Shimano 4 piston hydraulic disc

The 4 piston Jagwire Attack-XU brakes are powerful and adapted to the cargo bike which requires immediate reactive and efficient braking. Ride and brake confidently, even with a heavy load.

Rear rack

MIK HD baby seat compatible, max weight: 80 kg

Equo comes with an XXL baggage rack and the MIK HD system that you can adjust according to your needs. Fit out this bike with a large rear platform, our “Family Bars” or even two baby seats. Nothing will stop this bike and your desires!



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Find out about the future of mobility, our latest news and our special offers directly by e-mail.